Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"The first and best victory is to conquer self" - Plato

This is an idea I've been focusing on in the last few weeks. I've gone over my strengths and my weaknesses and have figured out that my strengths as a person and a financial advisor far outweighed my weaknesses. All of my "weaknesses" actually boiled down to one thing and one thing only. Self-discipline.

The odd yet very true thing about this as a weakness is no matter how many strengths you have...if you lack won't achieve the goals you have in life.

If you conquer yourself, dismissing desires for priorities, you have a large base of operations to conquer your goals.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about this. It has a lot to do with everything I've talked about in this blog up until now. In order to save you have to dismiss some desires to enable the priority of saving. Same goes for insurance...sure it may not make financial sense in terms if your desires but when you think about your priorities in life (income, protecting your family, protecting your savings) then insurance makes a lot of sense.

For me, because I'm a self employed professional these dive even deeper to the core of my life. In order to be a success I need to be disciplined about my priorities.

I hope this is enlightening to you guys. Not just in the sense of investments and insurance but in your overall life.

Books I recommend:

The 7 habits of highly effective people (this book will completely change how you see life and will show you how to be the person you strive to be, rather than just one of the worker bees...I highly recommend it to everyone)

Eat that Frog: 21 great ways to beat procrastination.

Let me know if you have any questions about any of this. I can lend you the books if you'd like to read them.

Have a great one guys!
