Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ah ha!

I'd like to start off by saying sorry. I said that I would update this blog every Tuesday and Thursday. I didn't do it on Thursday because I was driving to my favourite place on earth, Saranac Lake, NY.

I went out and bought a really awesome book before I left and I read it while I was there. The book is called Guerilla Selling...by the same person as Guerilla Marketing if you know what that is.

One of my biggest issues with being considered a sales person is how I percieve other salespeople. I flat out disagree with a lot of the "pushy" tactics that salespeople use to increase their own comission. That's not what I'm in this business for.

Ok, I'll get this out of the way now, commission is how I get paid and yes getting paid is nice. However, I will never sell something to someone for my own benefit. This is why I liked Guerilla Selling so much. It gave me the tools I needed to be the type of salesperson that I know I am. For all of those who know me I am a fair person and I care about every one of them. That would be no different if I was your Financial Advisor.

Anyway, during the reading of that book I had many Ah Ha! Moments. It was like I had a mind explosion and now all of a sudden I have a greater understanding of my place in this world.

This is what I hope to bring to you guys. Little mini "mind explosions" along the way to help you understand what is out there and how to keep you one step ahead of the general public. If I can give you one Ah Ha! in each of my posts then I've done my job!

To those who have a salesish type of job, I recommend that Guerrilla Selling to you. If you want to borrow it let me know!

Also just so you're not caught off guard I'm going to start contacting each of you one at a time to sit down and talk, the coffee is on me!

Till next time!



Anonymous said...

what was your "ah-ha!" moment?

Hammy said...

Good question! My biggest ah ha moment with this book was that I don't have to change my personality to become successful at what I do. To be completely honest every meeting that I've had I've always been worried that I sounded like I was being pushy. The book gave me the confidence that I lacked and to me that felt very much like an "Ah Ha!"

Hammy said...

I've also had an Ah ha! about what I should be doing with my free time. I was using my free time to relax. I should be focusing on my own business. Once I've completed the tasks I set myself for the day then it's time to relax.

One other Ah ha! I had was that I need to have set markets that I want to do business. Residential (Laurelwood, Columbia Forest & Conservation Meadows), Businesses (Northfield area) and the internet (facebook, blog). This way I'm not running over the place all willy nilly and I have somewhere to go when I'm not busy.

I like to type, can you tell? lol

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome ah-hah's! Keep sharing!
Ya..I learned about the idea of avoiding being stagnant recently too. Part of 'free time' should go towards self-improvment or self-education..not just vegging after work. Your work shouldn't define you. Or else what happens if your plans change and your job is no longer there? You risk losing your identity and becoming lost without your job.
If I let my job define me, I'd be wearing high waisted pants and be a cat lady.

...oh wait. shit!